Monday, September 8, 2008

Internet Hijab Ad

I saw the following ad on a internet forum I'm a part of. I've heard about this ad before but I hadn't seen it yet until now.

In Arabic it says, "You can't stop them but you can protect yourself. The one who created you knows best what is good for you". BULL SHIT. I hate stupid crap like this. This is what I had to say in response:

This ad is such craptastic silliness. Certainly, whoever created this ad hasn't been to Egypt and seen veiled as well as non-veiled women on the street being sexually molested, ya 7aram. I bet this ad was created by some Wahhabi bastard who works on the side as a mutawa. He probably has nothing better to do in his life except pass judgment on others when he should look in the mirror and see a depraved individual. I'd like to give this fucktard a piece of my mind but he'll probably call me a "charmouta" or even worse a "ga7ba kbeera".

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