Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cairo is going to hell...

BBC reports that Cairo's once famous nightlife is going down in flames. Yeah, I knew that already but once a big news conglomerate like BBC reports on must be official! It's depressing especially when you watch one of those old Egyptian black and white films from the 50s. Now the new Egyptian films are usually boring and full of stupid sha3bi music about fruits, vegetables and donkeys. Ugh....vomit.


Ali Dahmash said...

this is the worst time in Egypt history, Mubarak has took the country 100 years back in time. Not that I care about belly dancers!

Madame Mansour said...

I care about belly dancers. I am one FYI :) This isn't my real name obviously!!! But my name does start with an "M" hence Mansour.

Ali Dahmash said...

And now I got excited and have to keep guessing! Let's see, you are in the US, and from Lebanon, I have no idea! Give me another hint Madame