Thursday, August 28, 2008

Traditional Lebanese Costume

I was prompted to post from reading this entry from Hijab Style about hijab fashion in Lebanon. I found one girl's comments in particular to be quite alarming.

Here is what "Sayma" said: Hey, thats so true. Its a shame that only 60% is muslim. And the muslims out there are very modest too.

What the f*ck??? I hate when people say stupid comments like this. Totally 7aram!

And here is my response to the "Sayma" as well this author: What do you mean it's a shame that Lebanon is only 60% Muslim? I don't think it's a shame at all, in fact it's a big reason why Lebanon is so interesting versus some of it's neighbors, like Jordan (which is so boring). Ayib mish helwi!

Just keep in mind that New TV caters to the lowest common denominator hence why the reporting is either frivolous or even worse, benignly annoying. Don't expect anything noteworthy or educational on this channel...the channel is for shock value only.

When I was in Lebanon in 2005, I did see several hijab fashions present including the more western looks along with the Iranian chador which is popular amongst conservative Shi3a in Ouzai. I will say that it seemed like the hijab was not quite as popular in Beirut especially among Sunni girls.

And there are traditional Lebanese costumes. Unfortunately, no one seems to wear them anymore. Here's some links for you to consider:

Lebanese traditional costume.

Costumes of the Levant.

Hopefully, I've educated some people today :)

1 comment:

dopesexyfuck said...

Augh thats so messed up. Thanks for promoting religious diversity Madame M. Lebanon's diversity creates this beauty and balance in that part of the region and instead of realizing that, that bitch prays for the day when Lebanon's women all wear burkas and she's just inciting more hatred. Comments like that need to be ileminated.